Visit Providence

Providence is a community with deep roots in the Christian faith and a wide embrace for all who enter our doors. We invite you to join us in worship for Sunday School for all ages, music, sermons, and other messages on missions that you may be interested in. We not only feel called to worship on Sunday but to also serve in missions to our community and the world the rest of the week!You are called out of the chaos of your crazy, busy, constantly moving overextended lives to a place grounded in the imagination of God.  You are invited to a thin place where you can sense God's presence and find yourself spiritually connected, even quieted, in your inner being.  You are invited to join with others on this spiritual journey that gives you fresh energy and creative vision for God's future.

Our covenant reads:

We covenant to:

Worship Regularly

Pray Faithfully

Serve Willingly

Give Cheerfully

Live Joyfully

Love Unconditionally