You don't have to dress up. You don't have to make up. Just show up!
Our Ministries
Angel Ministry
This ministry consists of member volunteers making burial gowns, buntings, cocoons, blankets, and various other items for babies that do not leave the hospital due to fetal demise, stillbirth, or other complications.
All gowns are made from donated materials and wedding gowns and are free to the recipients.
We are reaching out to a few community sponsors to help with the cost as well. If you are willing to donate a wedding gown, lace, thread, white fleece, or various other items we will be thrilled to review for use in this ministry.
The items are distributed to Thomas McAfee Funeral Home, Bon Secours and Prisma Healthcare.
If a monetary donation is given, please submit it to Providence Presbyterian Church (link below) and designate for the Angel Ministry. We thank all who have helped to get this ministry underway.
God is good!

How to donate. Click the button to email Robin Bell. We would love the donation of wedding dresses as well as monetary donations.